Saturday, 4 June 2011

Emotional stuff :'(

Its pretty unusual to talk to the person you like, about you liking them. First of all its gonna end up being pretty awkward, but its probably going to be very emotional, and its not even just that your going to end up crying, (because you probably will end up doing so) but its also anger.
You will cry because you want to be with them, then you'll cry because your confused, and because your feelings are frustrating you, and that makes you angry, and the anger gets worse because you are so confused with your feelings that you just want to forget about it all.
(I dont think many people many people analyse situations in life as much as i do :/ )
Erghhh ! Im feeling like this now, i dont think you really understand how hard it is to be in this situation until you are actually in it.
Wow I miss this person so much right now, i would have thought they would never know how much i actually do like them, but after reading this, there probably gonna be pretty shocked, or confused.
:'(, Oh my gosh, Im so confused !
If this person reads this, IT REALLY ISNT YOUR FAULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not your fault that i like you, Its not your fault that your beautiful, and such a great person, its not your fault you dont feel comfortable because im young, its not your fault that your confused, (i dont know whether you cry often, but if this is making you cry then im sorry about that too) its definatley not your fault that im crying because i get really emotional for no apparant reason. I shouldnt be loading this all on you, i really didnt mean to stress you out, THIS IS ALL MY FAULT !!!!!!  Im so sorry, im so so so sorry, i really shouldnt have brought it up today, this is really all my fault im so sorry :'(

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