Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Sorry I haven’t written any new posts for a while :/….
What is our definition of bullying? Something that is done or said to another person, for the purpose of insulting them. Well if you’d said that, you would have been right.
Bullying is done solely for the bully to feel good about themselves, for them to feel they have more power than the victim, to get inside there head, and ‘take over’.
I’ve had this done to me during primary, I’m sure many other people have experienced it, during the course of their childhood or even after, as they have become adults. And if you have then you’ll know that makes your life hard to live. It makes your school/work a living hell. And you’d cry and cry, but it wouldn’t make anything better, only worse. It becomes worse because you end up feeling that you can’t in any way take you self pity any longer. You can’t feel sorry for your self. Because you will feel even smaller and weaker. It then becomes obvious that you need to get up and face it. But when you go to face this person you get knocked right back down again. This time you’ve hit rock bottom. You feel there is nothing you can do, no one that will listen to you and take you seriously, no way you can over come this pain. Your brain is overflowing with calls for help, calls you cannot comply with. Your body language sends signals you feel other people should read and recognise that something is wrong. But no one ever does, because you hide it behind a smile. Which would clear any doubts people had of you being okay. You end up trying to agree with the bully’s wishes to try and not anger them, and prevent them from hurting you (verbal or physical) but this will have consequences.

But what gives them the right to do this to a person? What gives them the right to put you in this tiny box, just so you can fit in? Restricting your true personality only to 2cm x 2cm box, which you hide in your safe most of the time (metaphorically saying) that doesn’t help you in the long run.
What is the mentality of bullies? Do they do it because they think they are superior to the victim? Or that they have had it done to them so they have the right to do it to someone else? NO ! If you have been the victim to bullying you don’t go and make someone else’s life a living hell too! Go and get help!

But please if you suspect something is wrong with someone, don’t just dismiss the idea because they gave you a smile, okay if there really isn’t anything wrong with them then fair enough, but if you suspect, just look behind the smile. Don’t let them carry on through the pain, help them. That is what real friends do.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

On with another blog :)
(This post is mainly assumptions, im so sorry if this has affected you in anyway bad, or if you feel offended by it im so sorry, i do not mean it to offend anyone :)  )

Well Life ! What is life ? Do people perceive life in different ways ? Well you could say so, but no one really does understand how anyone sees life, how they perceive things, what they think of things, of people, of sites and smells. I don't know whether many people think the way i do, but i would love to find out, i would love to have an insight into what thoughts people have while lying in bed at night, or while staring into the sky, what goes on in their mind when they have had their heart broken, or when someone close to them dies, but also people that are going through a hard time, maybe people who have tried commiting suicide. What goes through their minds, what they would think could happen next.
Like with a person that has a someone close to them die, maybe they would think they will stay with them forever as 'ghosts' or 'spirits', or maybe they would think of how they would be able to carry on their life without them, how they would find the norm' again? How they would be able to wake up in the morning and go through their day without seeing that persons face?
What about the people that have maybe tried with suicide? What goes on in their mind if they cut themselfs? Maybe they think it will get better, or atleast it may feel better for that moment?
Maybe i should stop assuming?
But how do people perceive life ? You may perceive life maybe as a road, a journey ? That road maybe a warm sunny place, with many friendly people, but there will be a place on that road, and when you reach that place, the clouds may come in, and cover the sun, and the rain may pour down on you, you may be cold and wet and worried about where to go next, but you'll find your way and get back on track on that warm sunny road.
Uhmm.... So yeahh :/ .........
Iv'e always wanted to know what goes on in the minds of people, maybe if they're depressed ? Or like maybe commiting self abuse or something ? I don't know whether i will ever experience this, it really depends whether my emotions come to that extent, but i don't know?
Do people feel that by like cutting themselfs they feel better ? I don't know :S
I don't know whether anyone else does think like me ? Does everyones mind work the same way? Do we all think the same things, but just never tell anyone? Never let anyone into our mind, never let anyone have the key and unlock our thoughts?
I hope i'll find out x

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Emotional stuff :'(

Its pretty unusual to talk to the person you like, about you liking them. First of all its gonna end up being pretty awkward, but its probably going to be very emotional, and its not even just that your going to end up crying, (because you probably will end up doing so) but its also anger.
You will cry because you want to be with them, then you'll cry because your confused, and because your feelings are frustrating you, and that makes you angry, and the anger gets worse because you are so confused with your feelings that you just want to forget about it all.
(I dont think many people many people analyse situations in life as much as i do :/ )
Erghhh ! Im feeling like this now, i dont think you really understand how hard it is to be in this situation until you are actually in it.
Wow I miss this person so much right now, i would have thought they would never know how much i actually do like them, but after reading this, there probably gonna be pretty shocked, or confused.
:'(, Oh my gosh, Im so confused !
If this person reads this, IT REALLY ISNT YOUR FAULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not your fault that i like you, Its not your fault that your beautiful, and such a great person, its not your fault you dont feel comfortable because im young, its not your fault that your confused, (i dont know whether you cry often, but if this is making you cry then im sorry about that too) its definatley not your fault that im crying because i get really emotional for no apparant reason. I shouldnt be loading this all on you, i really didnt mean to stress you out, THIS IS ALL MY FAULT !!!!!!  Im so sorry, im so so so sorry, i really shouldnt have brought it up today, this is really all my fault im so sorry :'(

Thursday, 2 June 2011

A Surreal Life Of Iconic Stars

Okay maybe it's just me, but when I look at a picture, such as the one above, of such an iconic and life changing actress, do you someimes imagine what would have happened before and after that photo was shot ?
You can imagine it like a movie running on old black and white film, with crackles and sparks coming out of the room where they keep the film, and a backing track from someone like regina spektor (even thought i know she hadn't been born yet, it just goes with the situation)

Is it just me ? I think it probably is xD


As far as love goes im not very experienced, i have never been out with any one, but like everyone else, i have had feelings for people.

When you have feelings for someone it is probably the most complicated part of your teenage life, there are those days when you'd kill to see them, and other days when their all you think about, and you spend precious hours or days of your life wishing you were closer to them, but is it really worth it ?
All those wasted emotions and tears, will it be worth it in the end ??
Sometimes you feel as if you have done everything possible to try and show that you like them but it doesn't work. Like they have been blinded from your feelings towards them, 'the wool pulled over their eyes', like they don't take a hint! And if you don't say something they will never open their mind to the fact that you have feelings toward them.
You then have the worst anger and either have to take it out on some inanimate object or someone you love (which you will probably regret) or, cry which is what most people would do.

I don't know if it's just me but I sometimes listen to a song and it suits the situation your in so much that you can close you eyes and imagin the situation being placed in a film with the song as a backing track ? Is it just me ? xD

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The Peace and Serenity Of Your Mind, Will Always Be Troubled By The Chaos and Pain Of The Heart

Okay, I know the title's a bit much, but its my first blog :)

For those of you who know me, then you know me as a very cheerful, loud, or you could say 'flamboyant' girl, but there is much more than that behind the smile.
As many of you may know, you sometimes do have to lie about your feelings to get by, and yes, I know im only 13, but as far as emotions go, I have experianced alot. Okay here goes.

Sometimes you feel as if your mind is drifting away you drift into a sea of serenity and peace, where you forget all the troubles of the world, where there is no hard decisions to make and no tears to hold back, and definatley no PME ! You are in the most peaceful place on earth, you can be yourself and no one will judge or discriminate you.
But all that can change in the blink of an eye. And it is that blink itself that changes everything, from that sea of serenity you have been 'chillin' in ( :D ) comes a storm of emotion, your heart pulls you back to chaotic reality, but reality is too much, you feel all the problems and worries flood your mind, and like a drop of rain, a tear trickles down your face...........The storm has begun.

Yeah, i know its a load of metaphoric crap, and i know im only 13, and i shouldnt be stressing but............ OH WELL !!!!! This blog is for those who feel the same way and if you think im just stupid teen, then stuff you !!!!!! ............ Thanks xD