Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Sorry I haven’t written any new posts for a while :/….
What is our definition of bullying? Something that is done or said to another person, for the purpose of insulting them. Well if you’d said that, you would have been right.
Bullying is done solely for the bully to feel good about themselves, for them to feel they have more power than the victim, to get inside there head, and ‘take over’.
I’ve had this done to me during primary, I’m sure many other people have experienced it, during the course of their childhood or even after, as they have become adults. And if you have then you’ll know that makes your life hard to live. It makes your school/work a living hell. And you’d cry and cry, but it wouldn’t make anything better, only worse. It becomes worse because you end up feeling that you can’t in any way take you self pity any longer. You can’t feel sorry for your self. Because you will feel even smaller and weaker. It then becomes obvious that you need to get up and face it. But when you go to face this person you get knocked right back down again. This time you’ve hit rock bottom. You feel there is nothing you can do, no one that will listen to you and take you seriously, no way you can over come this pain. Your brain is overflowing with calls for help, calls you cannot comply with. Your body language sends signals you feel other people should read and recognise that something is wrong. But no one ever does, because you hide it behind a smile. Which would clear any doubts people had of you being okay. You end up trying to agree with the bully’s wishes to try and not anger them, and prevent them from hurting you (verbal or physical) but this will have consequences.

But what gives them the right to do this to a person? What gives them the right to put you in this tiny box, just so you can fit in? Restricting your true personality only to 2cm x 2cm box, which you hide in your safe most of the time (metaphorically saying) that doesn’t help you in the long run.
What is the mentality of bullies? Do they do it because they think they are superior to the victim? Or that they have had it done to them so they have the right to do it to someone else? NO ! If you have been the victim to bullying you don’t go and make someone else’s life a living hell too! Go and get help!

But please if you suspect something is wrong with someone, don’t just dismiss the idea because they gave you a smile, okay if there really isn’t anything wrong with them then fair enough, but if you suspect, just look behind the smile. Don’t let them carry on through the pain, help them. That is what real friends do.